I did a lot of stupid stuff and mistakes in my life and I wish that I've never done it. But it's too late to stop or change it, what I can do is just to learn from my mistakes. Do not blame or point fingers on other people, instead analyse the situation and solve the problems.
But there are also certain people that will never admit on what they have said or done wrong. In fact, standing on his/her ground and to start finding reasons to blame.
I'm learning from mistakes but that's not enough, we need to apologize to the person (it's hard, especially for Chinese dudes like me). Love requires both parties' understanding, love, forgiveness, etc.. So if your partner trying to make a move to start a conversation after an arguement, just relax and solve the problems, do not hold grudge or resentment, it adds no benefit unto it.
In another word, please do not quarrel for the sake of quarreling, after all, what's the point of winning a fight yet losing your love ones.
I've took many years to understand the art of forgiveness and patience, to be frank, knowing it and doing it is very different. And I'm very far from achieving it, but I'll keep reminding myself of all the mistakes that have brought me here.
Without you, I won't understanding the importance of communication. If there is a medicine that can cure the blaming game, I would call it "C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N".
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