Friday, January 29, 2010

There will always be sun shine after the storm.

When things turn upside down, doesn't go the way you want, didn't meet our goals, the whole world turning against us, keep in mind, there will always be sun shine after the storm!

It's already few days over the dramas, when the least I expected, miracle happens. It's not by how good I can speak to a person but how sincere I'm towards them. My efforts paid off!

I always believe that friendship is something that we held on tight to our heart and it shall bear forth fruits! Even roses have torns, it's beautiful yet dangerous. Friendship is like a rose, when we 1st meet up and friendship just flourish and everything seems to be well, but without you knowing it, you'll get yourself hurt if accidentally touch its' torns.

Today, I experience the different side of friendship, did something that I never thought I would. Being honest, pouring out our feelings and talk to each other, nothing fishy or agenda but purely feelings, we made it clear that none of us take this friendship lightly.

What kept us wondering around in the wilderness which is the mind of conservative, especially Asians like us. Keeping our feelings and hiding it from everyone, trying to act like we are fine but we are not. Americans showed their love to their partner openly so that he/she knows about it. Why must Asians hide it? Is it something embarrassing?

I urge that we will all show the person we love and care how much they meant to us. Trust me, you'll encounter miracles!

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