Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Today is my mom's 56 birthday, sorry for not being able to travel back to Ipoh just to celebrate her birthday. Perhaps when I really get my car, I could give her a surprise by driving back reaching at 12am just to celebrate for her.

Looking back at all those years that my relationship with her, really give me a big shocked, how our relationship was. Fighting, arguing and the most of all, I hated her so much for being a joke in my life. I started of hating her ever since turning to secondary, blaming her for how much she didn't spend time with me. Anger at her why always complain and scold me. I even wrote a diary on 'How Much I Hate You, MOM!' I was completely out of my mind.

If wasn't the day that both of us burst of scolding and yelling at each other faces, we won't be that close today. Trust me, it was dramatic! Just like scene that you saw on movie, yelling at each other, scolding each other, telling her how much I hate her, and she yell at me how regretful for having me as a son.

Wrap it up, now we are closer than ever, and I seriously love her so much. I finally understand the pain and suffering that she went through when my father was not around. Single handed to raise 3 monkeys that is rebellious. I solute her to do so, everyone around her called her as Superwoman. To be serious, if I have to do so, I don't think I have the courage to do all these by myself.

I learnt that we have to see a bigger picture in our live. Chinese culture are conservative and we tend to put our emotions aside and play cool all the time. I though that my parents never love me, and I'm a constant joke to them.

Lucky and blessed I am to found out the truth. Mommy have a blessed birthday and year ahead, I love you!

Dear heavenly Father,
I uphold my mom and family into mighty hands, it's alright that they are not Christian as they are blinded by the truth. I will still keep them in prayers. I give thanks for putting me in this family and learning the truth. Having such a lovely mother is the best thing in life. My mom is getting older and older as year pass by, her sight is getting weaker, her back is aching, and she certainly can't work for longer hours to support the family. I pray that God open up the windows of blessing upon her for my sake. Keeping her health and safe. Speak to her through me, the way I live my life. Bonding her relationship with my father again. Let them overcome their sins and temptation. In all your ways, send Your guardian angel to look after her. I uphold her into Your mighty hands. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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